Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thanksgiving Point evening light and Alpine Loop

 This painting is one that I did at the Thanksgiving Point Plein Air Festival. I was excited that one of my three sold, but I was kind of glad that this one didn't because it was my favorite, so I kind of wanted to keep it. But now my sister wants it, so I guess we'll see what ends up happening to it :)
 This one I painted up the Alpine Loop on an excursion with Richard Hull and Peter Sakievich. All three of us painted the same scene, but we each came up with such different paintings. I guess that's one reason I love painting so much—its so open to exploration and interpretation.


Mindy Raye said...

You are so amazing! I love your work.

Katie Bevan said...

I absolutely love the top painting. The lighting is so beautiful and so is the composition. I really like the subtleties in colors.

Erin Meads said...

Love your pleine air!